Loyalty Rewards, Delivery & Returns
To collect and redeem Loyalty Rewards Points, make sure you are logged into your account (icon next to shopping basket at top of screen) before placing your order. Loyalty Rewards Points are credited when we process your order.
All orders are packed and shipped with care from our Brighton Studio.
For all orders over £50, we offer a free delivery option via Royal Mail Tracked services (no signature required).
Once your product has shipped, it usually takes 2 to 3 business days in the UK.
For next business day delivery within the UK, select EXPRESS Royal Mail Tracked 24 and place your order by 1pm.
You can return your product up to 30 days after receiving your order. Please make sure that the products are not used or damaged.
Astronaut Galaxy Projector
Currently in Stock
Turn any kids' bedroom or living space into an interstellar experience with this astronaut galaxy projector
You Will Earn 32 points which is the equivalent of £0.96